Saturday, May 09, 2009

A Walk in the Woods

A walk in the woods
With a dear friend by my side
Finding serenity
Green leaves
A frog
The fullness of Spring
Birds kicking leaves for a Bug Buffet

Finding I am stronger
And healthier
Than I've been in years!
My Certain Someone by my side
I feel safer with you there--
Plus the added pair of eyes
More miracles to share
Funny trees
Bright green bug
That didn't fly too well!

It's been years since I walked there--
Thank you for inspiring me
To start to live again...
Thank you for being you, being active
Making sure I don't get too tired or have a problem
Yet making sure I push the limits
Try something new,
Go for a walk,
Take a little chance that proves
That I can live again.

I remember now how I used to run off
Into the woods, even alone
To think, to meditate and recharge
To marvel.

My dreams seemed closer
As we walked together today
The trails I want to walk down
Seemed nearer
The switchbacks, not so steep.

With you by my side
I know
That we will walk together
As long as we can
And strive to enjoy
Each moment.

Your impersonation of why tick signs
Were posted on one side of the road but not on the other
Dog ticks versus Deer ticks
In a "West Side Story" fashion...
I love the way you personify
What you see around you
And the way you bring me out of my shell
To be the woman I am
who went into a quiet hiding for a few years
While I got wrapped up in finishing college,
Wrapped up in trying to get well,
So wrapped up that I forgot the things I enjoyed...
Thank you
For reminding me of who I am
And for sharing who you are with me.

Whether we are enjoying
A brain storm
or a rain storm outside the window
Or a walk
Or kayaking around a lake,
or planning another adventure...
It is good to have my best friend
by my side
As we grow together and create our own life, our own story.

A dinner we share with dearest friends,
Realizing things turn out well in the end
Realizing the terrain, though steep at times
Is easier with companionship and a laugh and
A funny positive outlook
And a plan to approach challenges...

We'll get there.

Today we got to walk the length of the trail....together, and to make memories
And experience
watching a frog who thought we couldn't see him,
Watching ants duking it out,
Watching a green, boxy bug try to get airborn...sort of....

The time we saw the beaver swimming last summer....

Thank you, for being in my life,
for the walk in the woods....I pray to the Heavens in thanks
that you are in my life....for the paths of life we walk together I rejoice, for the paths we will walk together, I rejoice....and if the Heavens call one of us home long before the other, I know that even for the one still walking the trial, knowing that the other is standing at the top of the mountain
Will make the climb that much sweeter.

A walk in the woods....a journey I learn to live again, I love how our lives become more intertwined, and we make new stories to share.


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