Saturday, February 04, 2006

The OTHER EMS prayer

As I perform my duties, Lord
Whatever be the call
Please hide the burnout
And the tears
That are threatening to fall.

I still serve and do my best
On every, wearing scene
I know full well the look of death
As I go through the motions,
like a tireless machine.

This calling to give of myself
I no longer understand
My body aches as the tones sound out
But yet I help my fellow man...

To have the chance to help a child
Who, because of his injuries
Will always be rendered silent...
Too many of these I see.

The praise of men
I seldom hear
At any of the right times
But victims and their families hit you, hate you
As if helping were a crime.

I used to think that “giving back”
Was it’s own reward
Now I pray for strength to ignore the nightmares
And just get through
That’s all I’m asking, Lord.

--cm 2/4/06