Wednesday, September 08, 2010

The Show is Over

Years of rehearsal leading up to one day
Where the best dance shall be put on display
Practicing tirelessly, knowing the routine
Dedicated to performing
Under any scene....

The curtain goes up, your heart quakes but your body and mind are steady
You've trained hard for this moment
You are poised, you are ready...

And then incident command says
The show cannot go on....

The words that chill you to the bone
Still echo in your mind
The performance that never was needed....
Skills rehearsed, knowledge, well versed...
The dancers waiting in the wing
Never to take the stage...

"Go Home, no more survivors...."

God rest their souls....
This was not how the dance of any life, should end.
We never practiced
Never knew
that a script could end this way.
