Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I am Not a Number

I am Not a diagnostic code in your DSM-IV.
I am a human being with a life, and more living in store!
How dare these women and men
Stick a label on a life
Categorize another
Brand them, if you will,
Without realizing it causes strife!

Don't you know
The discrimination
Those you label will face?
That you are preventing them from getting medical care
Because the doctors will see your little numbers
Your label and decide
that there is "nothing wrong with this person, they are just 'crazy.'"
As a result
They will suffer needlessly
and when they say they are in pain,
The doctor says, "Up your antidepressant again."

You may as well
brand their forehead
Cast them out among the 'unclean.'
You ultimately will ruin their lives
And rather than see
The pain they have endured
And try to understand
You'll just label them
Give them a number
Like a prisoner...

A prisoner,
Now they shall be,
tattooed with a number
That to others spells failure

Jailed for failing to be
'just like you.'
Who decides
What is normal
Who decides
What personality is 'right?'

Have you ever noticed it changes, as across the span of time
Women and Men's roles evolve
And trends grow and then decline?
Psychology and diagnoses are merely a fad....
Remember hysteria?
Or autism being caused by mothers interaction with their young?

I'd like to say,
LOOK how far we've come!
But I'd be lying to everyone.

We should ease the suffering for which we have pills,
because it's impact on a person's life is REAL.
The anxiety, depression, the emotional pain
Yes, pills are good for those things and should, if desired to ease suffering,
or because it is truly right be given ....
but couple it with caring, and help someone to find
A purpose in life for living....
give people hope and let them know that they are VALUABLE
and not less of a human being!
We all have worth and should always be given every chance to reach our dreams!

Don't talk about personalities as being 'wrong'
Don't make a human being a number or a derogatory phrase....
You are destroying a life
Making it not worth living!

Your words are attacking someone's soul

And out of compassion,
I hope you will never know
The PAIN you cause when you say,

"Here's your number, go away."


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